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Ore’s Playlist March 2017

I wasn’t going to have a playlist this month because of the ongoing series ‘’Headphone & Epiphanies’’ and because I didn’t listen to music a lot this month, I am trying to practice the teachings of Brother Lawrence presented by Steve Case in the book ‘’God is here Connect’’, he teaches not to glorify the means we use to connect to God, understanding that the means can only carry us for so long.

So I tried to connect to God without music, in my thoughts, prayers and conversation with people, in the course of the month I realised that songs began to mean new things to me, the lyrics felt like I had never listened to them and I saw more of God, not only in the songs but in my everyday life, through  my emotions and in my daily struggles. I really enjoyed the joy and peace of God even on bad days, and this month had a truck load of bad days, but what I have learnt and I pray I never forget is to take the deliberate steps to dwell always in the presence of God even in the most mundane moments.

  • Elevation Worship – There is a Cloud: I am a ‘’next phase’’ kind of girl, I am always thinking of what comes after and I tend to lose hope when I can’t see what is coming. This song reminds me to have hope, to understand that God has got me covered always.

  • Elevation Worship – O Come to the Altar: This song reminds me of God’s great love for us that we can always come to him in any state we are and we will be accepted. I don’t think  a reminder of God’s love is ever too much, if anything, I think we don’t talk about it enough.

  • Elevation Worship – Do it Again: Many times we forget God’s sovereign power, we can’t see pass the mountain in front of us, the song sings of God’s faithfulness and reassurance in God’s sovereign power and we all need to remember this every now and again.

  • United Pursuit – Let You Go: I really like this song, it tells a story of a place we have all found ourselves in our Christian walk, where fear still rules and we hold on tight to our religious rituals instead of embracing the truth the bible teaches. The song sings of us letting go of all these things and embracing God, letting God control and direct us.

I pray you enjoy these songs and they bless you!

Let me know how your month was in the comments below and song suggestions