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Happy 100th Post!!!

I published the 100thpost on The over Thinker a few weeks ago, I had something planned to celebrate this milestone in my blogging/writing journey, but what I had planned didn’t feel right. So I skipped it.
In place of what I had planned I will be appreciating those that have contributed to the blog over the past three years, those who have encouraged me, helped me edit and create content.
So shout out to Mr, Johnson, thank you first for being my friend, for reading my poorly written initial drafts for many of the post on the blog, for assisting in fine-tuning my ideas and ensuring I stay true to the vision of the blog. Happy 100th Post.
Thank you to Pelumi Kayode for editing posts and ensuring the world isn’t subjected to my poorly punctuated write ups. Michael for taking photos, designing posters and giving me my first lessons in Canva.
Thank you to Oni for always reading the blog, to Gbemi for believing in me long before I had the courage to share my work with the world. To Derin and Zainab for the constructive criticism; this has helped me find my voice as a writer and to stay true to who I am when I write. To Tobi for your comments on the blog.
Thank you to everyone that contributed to the series on this blog, Ore is always grateful. 
Finally, thank you to all my readers, to everyone who shared and recommended the blog, this wouldn’t be possible without you.
Here’s to a 100 more posts. 
Dare to Dream, The Interview Series,

The Interview Series: Okorie Emmanuel

What do you currently do as a job?
I am a Freelance Content Developer, Education Enthusiast
As a child what did you want to be when you grew up?
I’ve always wanted to be a great philanthropist. One day as I was going to school when I was very young, my parents gave me one pencil to take to school and I said I wasn’t going until I had two, Why? Because someone else might not have in class
I also wanted to be a Medical Doctor
Did primary school and secondary school shape your ideas about your dream job?
Not fully, I just knew I wanted to help people get better because I am kind of a people development person. I’m not following my dream of becoming a doctor any more
At what point in time did you change your mind about that dream job?
It changed in my 2nd year of Medical School (2010). I had another change of mind again after my final year (2015). I then finally decided to follow through with being a Life Coach, so I am in that process now.
Why did you study what you studied in university? If you have a do over will you study the same course?
I studied Computer Science. No, I won’t study the same course; I would study Psychology instead
How did the ‘’reality of adulthood’’ affect your dreams?
You know that moment when it’s like almost like most of your decisions are based on alternatives thrown before you by your parents. When I realised that I was going to run a family and become independent, I guess I began to learn to make decisions on my own since my life is to be driven by my actions.
Do you believe your dreams are still within your reach?
Yea, for my dreams of being a sought after speaker on Human Capacity Development and Counselling, its very possible.
Are you fulfilled with your life? If “Yes”, how? If “No” why?
Yes, at every stage I get fulfilled at the full execution of a task. So as I progress new targets are set. So to me, it’s progressive.
What are your hobbies? And does your current line of work give you time for them?
Writing, Reading, Making new friends and Speaking. Yes it does
Do you have any regrets? If “Yes”, what are they?
My major regret in times of Career was the fact that I never had a Career Counsellor to have guided me well. Else I won’t have spent 4 years doing the wrong thing.
Will you look back in the next ten years and be happy with how your decisions today have shaped your future?
Yes of course because I’m really intentional about my choices and with God involved, I’m certain it’s a glorious future.
Do you have any fears for the future? If “Yes”, what are they?

I used to have fears about marriage and its responsibilities but with time I am having a structural adjustment.