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Paper Hearts &Plastic Pins: On Friendship

On Friendship by Oluwadamilola Adisa
I cannot claim to know what love really is, or to have experienced love fully, I have however been lucky to know what I think is the highest form of love there is… friendship
Friendship in its pure, uninhibited form is probably the truest and deepest form of communion souls can share, souls because a friend sees past the exterior to what’s beneath and eternal, the true self.
A friend witnesses our evolution, our goals, dreams, aspirations and achievements, A friend shares our joys, failures, sorrows and agonies,
A friend is a witness to our very existence.
With true friends, there is no guile, friends have basically ‘seen us finish’, there are no masks, only naked personalities. No masks, not because we do not wear them, but because friends see through them. A friend is one with whom we share our lives.
To have never experienced true friendship is to have never been understood fully, to have never had your true image seen, acknowledged and accepted by another.

In the words of C.S. Lewis, “Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art, like the universe itself… It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.”