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25, letters,

Letters To My Children – Introduction

I had this great idea late 2014 when I was stressing about motherhood {The name of my blog accurately describes me} and I asked my mum a number of wired questions. She didn’t give me satisfactory answers, but she did her best. I really should ask her how it feels having three children that are highly opinionated and have endless questions about life and everything in between.
To deal with my fears I decided to write letters to my children about all the things going on in my head at the moment. I will like to read over these letters and see how unfounded and ludicrous my fears are have a good laugh about it.

Dear Children,

You aren’t born yet, I am yet to meet your father or may I have met him and I didn’t notice I can be scattered brain sometimes and not notice important things or signals. So I apologize in advance for the little things I may not notice or forget.

I just realized a few months ago that I am scared of ‘’love’’, the thought of becoming totally vulnerable with another human being and inevitably giving them the power to hurt you scares me but I understand that to bring you into the world I will have to overcome my ‘’love weariness ’’ as I like to call it. So I am letting God teach me about love, how to love and how to accept love.

I enjoy changing diapers, I will probably share your baby formula with you, according to Grandma, I didn’t like it when I was a baby so you can say I am making up for it. But I am scared of a few things, like who would teach you to read, not to wet the bed, how to talk and write. I feel like I am not ready to welcome you into this world with so much hate and chaos.

This keeps me going and looking forward to the day I get to hold you in my arms, I didn’t bring you into this world on my own, you were given to me and your father, a precious gift to care for. I have to believe that God, will protect you and lead you in the right direction.

I don’t have a handbook on how to raise you but be rest assured I will pray every step of the way, let the Lord guide the decisions we take concerning you. We will definitely step on each others toes every now and again but don’t let us stay mad at each other for too long. Lastly you are not getting a mobile phone till your 16th birthday. If I had my way we will live on acres of farmland in a place with poor cell phone reception.

With all my love; Mama   

P.S. I have many more letters to write to you!

24, Her Version of Events, letters,

8th July 2015

Dear Oreoluwa
You are about to get a text from ICAN that would make you feel like your world is crumbling and someone is twisting your insides. I need you to know that this isn’t the end of the world and your insides are fine.
I know your birthday is tomorrow and you want to stay in bed and wallow in self-pity. Please don’t plan a trip to the dam, Mo will take the best photos of you and Tofu would surprise you with a cake for the first time since your fifth birthday.
Cut your hair, it is long overdue don’t worry it would grow, take longer walks, have longer conversations with Aunty Kemi and Mr Mayor they have an arsenal of knowledge you would need in the coming months. Stop running to Lagos every weekend, you would miss Ilorin so much when you leave and not have the opportunity to visit.
Your holiday to Ibadan would be life changing, your inspiration for life would be renewed and you will meet and accidentally fall for someone, don’t think too much of it, just go with it. This experience would make you very happy, sad and angry, all at the same time. You can choose to avoid this all together by not having a conversation about the Civil War. This is totally up to you.
You will have another episode of depression and thoughts about dying, talk to someone about it; it isn’t bad to ask for help. Mama is trying, cut her some slack open your mouth let her know what is going on, let her know how you are feeling. Communication will make a lot of things easier to deal with in the coming months.
Don’t be Afraid; fear would keep you from a lot of adventures, go to places on the spur of the moment; the things you worry about currently wouldn’t matter in a few months.
Lastly google ‘’Bethel Music’’ and ‘’Shima Yam’’ you would thank me later


A few weeks ago, ‘’Hey Soul Sister’’ by Train was playing on the radio. The song took me down memory lane to a period in my life I haven’t given any consideration to in the last two years.
It was second semester in our third year in the university, we were seated next to each other in a Financial Accounting class our seats were located in the middle of the class and considering our lecturer’s bedroom voice it wasn’t the best choice.

I didn’t want to be the one that lost out on our current deal, so I was faking concentration, refusing to acknowledge that you were stealing long glances at me whenever you took a break from writing your note.
I wanted so bad to wrap my free hand in yours and let you trace circles on the inside of my palm but that would mean losing our deal and my pride was larger than my need for touching hands.
My fake concentration broke when you reached for your ear phones and placed them in my ears and the first line of the Train song blasted into my head ‘’Lip stick stain on the front lobe of my left side brain’’.
Hey we all know that nerd Ore would know the part of the brain responsible for love.
I broke into a smile and in that moment I am sure I loved you.     

I know this is weird and I am the last person you are expecting a letter from, but don’t drop it just yet.

There is a point to this and it isn’t to win you back or drag up old emotions; listening to that song left me feeling guilty and there are a few things I’ll like you to know so here goes.  It feels like I am writing to a stranger and this simple fact has me wondering if you still love milk or if you still take the most beautiful unassuming photographs of people but who am I kidding I know deep down that you would always love milk and photography makes up more than 50% of how you express yourself and share your beauty with the world.

What I really should be wondering about is what goes on in your day, how many new movies you have seen, which series you are currently hooked on and what new artist is bringing your ear drums to life. I have lost the right to know these things to have long conversations about nothing important just the shared joy of having listening to the next person’s voice.

I am sure you have a tonne of questions for me after these two paragraphs but I am getting to the point of this letter and here goes. Sorry I didn’t accept your hand of friendship after our ‘’relationship’’ ended fun fact, it took me so long to accept it and learn to say it out loud.
I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to be friends with you, to share any aspect of my life with you, I needed to grow without you, find out who I am and the possibilities available to me without you.

All of who I was at that point in my life was wrapped up tightly in you; I had lost my identity in you, my dreams each and every one had you in it. You had become my sun and I was willingly drawing light and direction from you.
I had to find myself, learn to dream for me and learn to love myself without you. Any relationship with you would have hindered the journey to self-discovery I needed to embark on. There was never a perfect time to explain any of this to you, heck I didn’t understand what was going on at the time.
I needed to be selfish to heal and I hope you can understand that.

I have moved one with my life; learnt to deal with life situations more maturely and more importantly learn to face life as a complete individual.  So I am just wondering how you are, how your dreams are panning out, and I have tried to turn off my wondering mind in your direction but I have come to the understanding that there is always a room that ‘’firsts’’ occupy though, it’s an ever shrinking space.
So feel free to reply ‘’Stranger Ore’s letter’’ or not, the ball is entirely in your court. Consider this an explanation, a peace offering of some sort and you are officially off the hook from the promises of the song ‘’The Only Exception’’.
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Photo Credit: Mr Johnson