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2017, 24,

Adventures In Lagos: Badagry, Sunday 28th May 2017

Over the long democracy weekend my friends and I decided to go on a road trip to Badagry, which is a border town in Lagos state. This trip didn’t require a lot of planning, my friend Tolu suggested we visit Badagry on a group chat that is dedicated to planning trips. A good number of people in the group chat were available and thus it happened.

We all chipped in for fuel and food, shout out to Modupe because she was a great hostess, she treated us to a breakfast of sandwiches and apples and we ordered a lunch of Jollof Rice, Chicken and Dodo. 

Lagos can be brutal to you when you are driving in unfamiliar parts of the city. We packed at a place we were sure was a bus-stop along the Apapa Expressway and the police van was right in front of the car within seconds. It felt like they were waiting on us to make a mistake and pounce like hungry lions. We left this tricky situation after a bribe of N1, 000. 

Oh, I haven’t mentioned that it was raining and it didn’t feel like there was an end, we started to doubt our decision of taking the trip and prayed for the rain to stop.  We didn’t dwell on the weather too long we were more grateful to enjoy each other’s company and sang along to the songs that were blearing out of the speakers.

We arrived in Badagry’s French Village where we picked some of our friends who are on a study program and they were going to serve as our tour guides. By the time we arrived at our first stop, the rain had stopped. It was the historic slave trade museum which ironically has a prison located a few meters away. We learnt that 40 able-bodied men were exchanged for one large umbrella. Among all the other forms of exchange this is one that I find the most disturbing and can’t rationalize. We saw the grave site of the slave baron and the reigning chief when slave trade was finally abolished. It was an eye opening experience. Unfortunately, the first story building isn’t open on Sundays so we couldn’t visit it.
We took a boat across the river located opposite the museum to make the trip to ‘’The Point of No Return’’. This is the route that slaves went on towards the Atlantic to make their journey to the ‘’New World’’. The Attenuation wellis located on the walk path that leads to The Point of No Return. Legend has it that when the slaves drank from the well they forgot their past and where they were coming from, we were going to test this out, but there wasn’t any means to draw water from the well. 

We walked and sang man-o-war songs to keep our spirits up. ‘’The Point of No Return’’ is a peaceful beach and I wonder how many people went passed this beach to embark on a journey filled with uncertainties.

Our last stop was Alpha Beach, where I became the photographer and everyone enjoyed the waves. I will definitely visit Badagry again, to soak my feet in the beach and learn about the history of the place. I forgot to mention the beautiful statue of a fisherman located at a roundabout in Badagry.
Enjoy the photos

24, Her Version of Events,

A Sunday In December

One of the exciting things I have got involved with this year is ‘’LifeGivaDotCom’’. It has challenged me to write about my relationship with God which is something I always wanted to do but was afraid to.

They have given me the opportunity to try new things and stretch myself.
Anytime I visit ‘’LifeGiva House’’ we have the best conversations and take amazing photos. So enjoy photos from a Sunday in December 

24, Her Version of Events,

Thoughts From The Black Notebook

I have this black notebook I got at the beginning of the year from Mr. Abidoye {Father}. I carry this notebook with me all the time, in it I write my ideas, opinions and many of the post on this blog start from this notebook.

The pages of this notebook are almost completely filled with my notes, my poor attempt at drawing and with 2016 coming to an end; I have decided to share a few of the unfinished paragraphs.

On My First Accounting Class – 23rd January 2016

I remember my first Principles of Accounting class, I felt lost and I was looking around to find another lost soul. The faces around me looked so confident as they finished the lecturer’s sentences on the Characteristics of Accounting. I shouldn’t have spent the last three years in Science class studying subjects that didn’t give me the super power of knowing the lecturer’s notes. I am going to fail this course I thought.

On Baking Journal – 4th February 2016

  • Daily Inspiration
  • Bake with me Wednesday
  • Sharing your Baking Stories

On To-Do-Lists – 19th February 2016

*Last week of February
  1. Write the letter for Grandpa
  2. Write three posts for the month of March
  3. Pray & Read my bible
  4. Work on Vision Board/ Prayer Board
  5. Dance Randomly

On Lessons My Father Didn’t Teach Me – 1st March 2016

My father neglected to tell me a long list of things before giving me my first car and those things have proven to be important life lessons.

On Feeling Out of Control – 8th March 2016

On days of deep worry I look to the skies and envy the birds; they get to fly against the wind while I keep moving in whatever direction the wind choose to take me.

On Relationships – 22nd May 2016

  • Take responsibility for your actions
  • Remember to do your part  
  • Accept your fault, work on them and keep growing
  • Apportion blame but never think you are a saint
  • Forgive, let go.
  • Remember to love and the little things

On My Relationship with Mama – 23rd May 2016

We fight and sometimes don’t speak, but we never hide our feelings even in silence. There is a certainty to our love from which we draw strength.

On the reply ”OKAY” – 24th May 2016

What does Okay! really mean. I say it one too many times to get out of questions, sometimes I say it and I mean it and sometimes I say it and I want you to ask ”are you sure?” and push until I give an honest answer.

On being Different – 4th June 2016

Who exactly set the standard for ‘’normal’’? If I do not to fit into your definition of normal, expand your thinking or move from my space.

On Singleness – 11th June 2016

What is the purpose of Singleness? I think it is to discover who you are, love and understand yourself. Learn to celebrate your individuality

On God’s Grace – 12th June 2016

I never thought I was worthy of your Grace but you shower me with it always.

On Getting Robbed – 24th September 2016

I hate raining days in Lagos, they come with dark clouds, thunder, power outage and flooded streets. The dark clouds hide the sun and give comfort to the children of the night.

On Rest – 16th October 2016

Come into my place of rest,
Let go of the burdens you hold so tightly
And come into my rest

On Love – 11th November 2016
There is a certain concept I don’t understand; as I age it becomes even more unclear and I have started to doubt its existence.

On Pop Corn Goddess – 28th November 2016

With you I can simply say all that is on my mind
Without fear of judgement or receiving a lecture
You are my soul sister.

On Unrequited Love – 10th December 2016

Be careful with your heart, don’t give it away carelessly. Guard it, above all don’t let it flutter before it’s time.

On Friendship  – 10th December 2016

Remember always to be grateful for the people in your life, because they are always around to cheer you on.

On Fellowship – 12th December 2016

We were not built to live alone, so find your niche, find your family, your place of worship. In fellowship we learn lessons and we draw strength.

On Love – 16th December 2016

I believe my fear of getting hurt is clouding the joy that awaits in love. It is time to deal with my fears and walk in love.

On The Dark Place – 20th December 2016

In the end it is your choice to keep the darkness at bay.

It is your choice to not walk into the darkness when it is the most comfortable option
It is your choice to wake up in the morning and choose joy regardless
It is your choice to live in light


Ore At Lagos Comic Con

I went to Lagos Comic Con on 17th September 2016, I found out about the event on twitter, I was excited to learn about Comics in Lagos and acquire new reading material.

I discovered a few things that interest me like a ”Custom Shop”, an online library and on the spot sketches. It was hard to have proper conversation with people because of the blaring speakers so I went out for a bit with my friends and took a few photos of them.

I am sure you are wondering the purpose of this post, I recently read one of my old post 24 and one of things I set out to do is a ”Photo Documentary” in the spirit of that I will be sharing photos I take at events or on days when my eyes catch something I want immortalize in a photograph. Please I am an amateur photographer and my only tool is my phone, so don’t be too critical just enjoy this journey with me.

Thank You Fiyin and Ife my unwilling participants


Breaking Chords

This is the first page of something really special to me, please let me know what you think in the comments. 

The shouting started shortly before my 11th birthday. I thought it was one off because when you have five people living in a tiny space you are bound to have the occasional clash. This was different, the first night turned into the second night and it went on at a stretch for months.

My family lived in a small three bedroom duplex. All three rooms were next to each other and with very thin walls that didn’t allow room for secret conversations. Each room had tiny balconies that were framed by iron railing that prevented people from jumping down. When you were on any of the balconies, you become deaf to the rest of the house; they were little heavens of escape.
I am a light sleeper so I wasn’t getting any sleep once the shouting started. I always wonder how my sister and brother slept through it. I became the unofficial referee to their shouting matches and I kept score because I needed a way to pass time.
My parents said hateful things to each other and I watched as the words they said slowly cut through and destroy the foundation of their relationship.  It crossed my mind on many nights to shout at them to stop but I was scared of the beating I would get if I interfered.
I started struggling to stay awake in school, so one night I took the straw mat to my balcony, I noticed for the first time the beautiful sound coming from my neighbor’s house and I easily lost myself in it. The beautiful melodies gave rhythm to all the emotions buried deep within and the lyrics provide voice to all the things I left unsaid.
I found myself disappearing into music to give words to my emotions.