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2019, Playlist, Reflections,

Love Stories That Never Took Off – Introduction

“…love. Not the lasting kind, rather, the fleeting encounters that happen that make you consider forever and everything in between…”

To Love Stories That Never Took Off.

I have been thinking a lot about love. Not the lasting kind, rather, the fleeting encounters that happen that make you consider forever and everything in between but, for some reason, never quite work out.
These encounters usually consist of stolen, memorable moments, bright sparks of possibility and unclear intentions.
I wrote about one a few days ago and shared with my friends/editors. The feedback was great but what struck me the most was how they could all relate, how almost everyone had their own version of ‘’Love Stories That Never Took Off’’, an encounter with a ‘would-have-been’ bae. This got me thinking about sharing my story and other people’s stories on the website and I really hope you enjoy the stories we will be sharing in the coming weeks. So stay tuned and subscribed so you don’t miss them.

I have also gone ahead to put together an apple music playlist for this series – For Love Stories That Never Took Off