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The Stark Experience

I came across Bemyoda while interning with Alternative Music Nigeria. What struck me from the very first song I listened to is Bemyoda’s unique sound and the fact that he dares to be different and stay true to sounds that inspire him.  His well-crafted lyrics remind you of life’s conditions which is an inexhaustible topic.
The wait for Stark was a very long one but it was worth it. The first single released from the album is ‘’I Told’’ I had the song on replay for days, it reminds me to cast fear aside at my lowest point and instead choose to embrace the light and the truth.

The album listening for Stark was over the long Democracy weekend, it was a multimedia experience of photographs and the beautiful songs on the album. My sister Olaoluwa and Bukky, my Lagos partner in crime, went to the album listening at Red Door Gallery in Victoria Island. The gallery is such a beautiful space and the decoration and art pieces transport you to a different place where things are beautiful and sad at the same time.  

We took cool photos, meet Bemyoda, listened to songs from the album and looked at the photos that interpret each song on the album. Now when I listen to the songs I can’t help but think of the photographic representation of each song, and I believe this is a good thing. I am looking forward to Bemyoda’s future projects but before that comes along you should listen to Stark on Deezer: 

Enjoy the photos we took at the album listening below: 


Paper Hearts & Plastic Pins: Pictures

Pictures by Bukky Tijani 

Driving round the streets of Venice
With no care in the world.
The wind in my hair…
I’ve been kissed by the sun
And my glow on fleek!

Strutting down the beach…
Picking precious sea shells as I go
The feeling of peace as the sea flows past my feet is overwhelming
Watching how beautiful the sun set in this wonderful city of love…
Oh! How I’m ready to explore 

Sadly I’m called back to reality 
By the hesitant cry of my name
It’s nothing but pictures in my head
‘Oh! I wish you were real’ I say!


Paper Hearts &Plastic Pins:The Father’s Love

The Father’s Love by Bukky Tijani 

I stare at my reflection in the mirror
Not happy with what I see
Yet you  serenade me with your words full of promises  and tell me
I’m fearfully and wonderfully made.
I’m made in your image and likeness
I ask myself what ever did I do
To deserve an amazing romantic as a Father?

Constantly I hurt you and act like you’re no one
Caring less about your feelings.
Still you never hold a grudge.
Instead you look past my childish self and
Call me a child after your heart.
Again I ask myself who am I that you love this much?

Over and over again you immerse me with an amazing love.
A love so indescribable….
Deeper than the depths of the ocean
Farther than the ends of the earth
Wider than my tiny heart can fathom.
You call me friend, unashamed to be seen with a filthy rag like me.
In your own way, you make me smile
Because you never want me to shed a tear

You let go of the one thing you loved the most
Your only son, so I can come home to you.
And I ask myself what manner of love is this?
You teach me the essence of true love…Sacrifice!
You gave me the best gift a girl could ask for
I do not deserve this kind of love
Yet you declare me worthy enough.

I’m grateful to have a friend  in you
Your love never runs dry
Never grows weary or tired of me
It lasts forever
I’m proud to be loved by you.


Paper Hearts &Plastic Pins: Love as we know it

Love as we know it by Bukky Tijani 

Love is mystical

Its process is complex.
The idea of loving someone so deep
Other than yourself seemed impossible to me.
I had walls built up to guard my heart
Then you came along, charmed me with your warm smile
You broke those walls down.
Everyday with you is something I look forward to
A day without hearing your voice is like a day without a breath of fresh air.
Love is chemistry,
It’s a chemical reaction brought to life
That ignites to form a bond that is unbreakable
The emotions it brings are overwhelming, making me unstable
I know I might hurt but still I’d rather hurt with you.

Love is a feeling,
It’s in every touch,
It’s in the way you hold me tenderly, scared I might break
The way you pull me close when I’m sad, ready to catch my fall
The way you say my name, like it’s the sweetest melody
The way you stare at me, like I’m the only girl in the world.
With you I feel alive
I feel like I’m who I want to because with you,
I’m a better version of myself.
Nothing else matters cause you’ve shown me how to love and it’s the best thing in the world!