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Hear No Evil – Speak No Evil – Week Five by RepJ360

The notion of love is one that has been clouded by many ideas for a very long time. Chief of which is the “ride into the sunset” idea of love – at the end of the movie the man and the woman ride into a picturesque sunset which insinuates happiness, peace, prosperity and all the other good kinds of things. Sadly, when we get that moment in the sunset in real life (if we get it), the sun will rise again the next day and there would countless more sunrises after that. We are not equipped to handle what comes next, because in our heads the movie should have ended. So when things start getting hard and less picturesque we automatically start to think some is wrong and therefore we need to perhaps end it. But know this; Love is not always “lovey-dovey”, love is not always sweet words and grand gestures. It is a battle that we wage, it is a decision that we make, it is an action that we take or an action we choose not to take. The world would continue to sell the idea of easy love which is momentary, but God is calling us into an eternal love, a peace that is inexplicable, and it is worth the fight. Just set your hearts on love and love will show up.

This Week: 
Take Over Me, because I know Love Alone Is Worth The Fight.
You Are the only one that can make it worth it.
I will Be Still as I wait for More Of You so I can Touch The Sky. Thank you for your Ancient Words.

This week’s playlist is available on the Deezer music streaming app: 
All playlists are available on Deezer, just search “tobyvanjohnson” and you’ll find them under his playlists. Don’t forget to share with your friends and especially your enemies.
Follow us on Social Media for the daily update @RepJ360 (on everythiing).
Devotional Playlist is a daily devotional were we, RepJ360, recommend a song that has touched our hearts, taught us something or reminded us about something. We believe one of these songs a day would keep the flesh at bay so give them a listen. At the end of seven days we compile them into a playlist for the week. So as not to infringe on the property of the musicians and minsters that made the songs we cannot share them with you, instead we create playlists on the music streaming platform Deezer. We hope you enjoy the songs as much as we have and we hope even more that they light up your day so you can light up some else’s.  – We, RepJ360.

25, letters,

Letters To My Husband – Lists And Expectations

Dear Husband,
A few months ago, I tore up the list I made for you; the list included all the thing I hoped you would be, it was a huge relief for me because then I don’t have to feel like I was settling whenever I liked someone that didn’t check every box of my well thought out list.
I replaced my list of more than 20 items with just two items I think are of utmost importance, I will be sharing those two things with you but first,a few things I have learnt.
One, God is preparing me for you and our children, with the lessons learnt in the most unusual ways, I am not great at asking for help when it comes to house chores, I have a system and I don’t like when it is altered,  a few weeks ago I felt the unusual desire to ask for help when I was working in the house, I learnt that my system may not always be the best approach and working with another person cuts my work in half, this is making me more open to others suggestions and less stuck up in my ways. I believe this is a vital tool that will keep me from feeling overwhelmed in our marriage.
I am seasonal cook, this means that I don’t enjoy cooking day to day, I love cooking only when I feel like, but I am learning to enjoy it on days when I don’t want to cook, learning to find joy in the process of preparing a meal, I am yet to fall in love with the process, I still had bananas and mangoes for dinner last night, but I believe in the not so distant future I will have a workable relationship with cooking, you should bear in mind that there are days when you will have to make meals.  
What made tearing up my list easier was the realisation, that God is teaching me how to be a wife and  that you are also receiving your own lessons because this isn’t a one way traffic. This was a calm reassurance that God has my back regardless of all the uncertainty that lead to me making the list.
So back to the two things that are currently on my list. Firstly that you are willing to grow in God with me, there is so much of God to be explored, so much to learn, unlearn and build from. It is really important for me that you desire to do this, so on days when I am not thirsty enough you will remind me to thirst and I will also do the same for you.
Secondly that we help each other with the things God calls us to do, the things we need to do together and those we need to do individually. That we make each other’s ‘’purpose walk’’ easier, that neither of us becomes a hindrance to the other.
I believe when we make God our focus, all the items on our individually made up list, (I know you have your own list) will fall into place, you should know that I am going to make you read poetry to me and if you can play the guitar it wouldn’t hurt.  I am looking forward to meeting you, but not before the time is right

Olubukunola Tijani’s Playlist

I love music a lot and I believe it speaks to me in ways I can’t imagine. I enjoy music with deep lyrics that teach me and help me in different situations I find myself, I love music that help keep me in God’s presence and remind me of His never ending love for me and the essence of my purpose in life.
So many songs have touched my life but I’d love to share some that are currently on repeat for me and have also stayed with me for a long time now.

  • What a Beautiful name by Hillsong: This song reminds me always of the person who God is and what He means to me. Whenever I feel like worshiping God and remind myself of the things He has done for me I sing this in my head. God’s name is powerful, He’s been there even from the beginning of creation, The song says he’s the word made flesh, He’s name is powerful and will remain with me even till the end of time.
  • Letting Go by Steffany Gretzinger: I love Bethel music and Steffany Gretzinger is like a role model for me. The words of this song brings tears to my eyes always. Whenever I feel sad, scared or unsure of how my life is going or the things happening with me i listen to this. It reminds me to Let go and just Let God. Let go of everything bothering me or bringing me to tears and live it all to God to handle. The chorus says You remind me of things for forgotten, You unwind me till i’m totally undone and when your arms are around me, fear is no match for your love. Its a song of comfort, sometimes all we need is a hug from God telling us all will be well and indeed that’s all that matters.
  • Pieces by Amanda Cook: Its a tale of how God loves. His love is never ending, never fails, its not passive or insecure neither is it broken. It hangs on every word it says. Its pure and magical. Nothing compares to God’s love and always I’m delighted to be loved by God.
  • Heaven Knows by Hillsong: This is a soundtrack for a wonderful movie called The Shack. Its another comforting song of hope, faith, love and surrender to God in times of troubles cos we all go through that sometimes and all we need is a little faith.
  • The sun is Rising by Britt Nicole: An all time love for me. A wonderful song about belief in one’s self no matter the amount of failures you go through, Never giving up. A song about courage and hope. The’s nothing better than believing in yourself and what better song than this to help encourage you!

  • Jesus at the Center by Israel Houghton: When you have God at the center of your plans and you surrender all to Him, There is no way you’ll fail cos He knows our beginning and our end so every time I deviate and I don”t carry God along with my plans. I’m reminded by this song of the benefits of putting God first.
  • Perfect by Ed Sheeran: I absolutely adore Ed Sheeran and his talent for deep and reasonable lyrics. I love this song cos its an absolute definition of loving someone no matter how they are. Just accepting them for who they are and nothing more. A good song for two people truly in love Lol!
  • Maybe IDK by Jon Bellion: I’ve found a new love! His amazing voice and lyrics amazes me. This song just reminds me that we never have everything planned and its ok to not have everything planned but lets just take things one step at a time and leave the rest to God
  • Hand of God by Jon Bellion:  No matter what we go through, our lives are directed and guided by God.
  • We can Hurt Together by Sia:  No matter what you go through, always remember you are not alone. You have people who will always be there to smile with you, cry with you, laugh with you, Never judge you but always stick with you no matter what. You’re not alone. We were not created to walk alone. That’s what friends are for.


Hear No Evil – Speak No Evil – Week Three by RepJ360

“God is not a human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does He Speak and not act? Does He promise and not fulfill.

God is not a man. Thank God for that. If God were man, repentance would be a tedious business. With God, because of Jesus, we need only ask with a contrite heart and our forgiveness is certain. He holds His word higher than Himself so that when he says a thing he will do it unfailing, so that when he gives a promise it will not go forth without accomplishing what it is sent out to. It is this kind of person that you can trust with all your heart because Numbers 23:19.

This week:

Lord your word is the Voice Of Truth and it says your Shoulders bare our shame. We believe repentance Dare(‘s) You To Move in our lives. We will always Trust In You.

It’s Alright because I’m Yours.

Devotional Playlist is a collection of good songs – posted daily – that have taught us (RepJ360) something new and reminded us about the love of God. These songs have been known to lift our spirits and put positive words in our mouths for the world to hear. Everyday a new song would be posted with a message from it. At the end of 7 days you’ve got yourself a playlist of good songs that remind you of the promises of God and you won’t find yourself slapping your mouth to stop from humming the tune.

Follow our Instagram or Facebook or Twitter @RepJ360


Hear No Evil – Speak No Evil Week Two by RepJ360

God loves you” and “Jesus loves you” have been the punchline of every evangelical mission. So much so that for those of us in the part of the world that have heard of Jesus it has become stale news. So when someone comes over to you and says “Jesus loves you” you respond with a scowl and a “I know!! Ah!”, not half knowing anything. But even after that the love is still there. No worries.

The Love of God is a weird thing. You cannot compare it to anything, you might want to say, think of a mother and her newborn child, the amount of love in that – NO! God’s love is more. You literally cannot compare it to anything. It’s deep… Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep… Unrealistic even. Yeah. God’s love is unrealistic, it transcends the reality we live in. Think about that for a second.So when you feel bad or someone tries to make you feel bad, take it to God, His love would not turn you way, as long as you are coming to Him, He is there for you.
This Week:

No matter what I have done you Love Me Anyway, so I will Fix My Eyes on you. You Are God, and your Promises Remain. For Your Love is Already There.
Devotional Playlist is a collection of good songs – posted daily – that have taught us (RepJ360) something new and reminded us about the love of God. These songs have been known to lift our spirits and put positive words in our mouths for the world to hear. Everyday a new song would be posted with a message from it. At the end of 7 days you’ve got yourself a playlist of good songs that remind you of the promises of God and you won’t find yourself slapping your mouth to stop from humming the tune.
Follow our Instagram or Facebook or Twitter @RepJ360