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25, letters,

Letters To My Children – Introduction

I had this great idea late 2014 when I was stressing about motherhood {The name of my blog accurately describes me} and I asked my mum a number of wired questions. She didn’t give me satisfactory answers, but she did her best. I really should ask her how it feels having three children that are highly opinionated and have endless questions about life and everything in between.
To deal with my fears I decided to write letters to my children about all the things going on in my head at the moment. I will like to read over these letters and see how unfounded and ludicrous my fears are have a good laugh about it.

Dear Children,

You aren’t born yet, I am yet to meet your father or may I have met him and I didn’t notice I can be scattered brain sometimes and not notice important things or signals. So I apologize in advance for the little things I may not notice or forget.

I just realized a few months ago that I am scared of ‘’love’’, the thought of becoming totally vulnerable with another human being and inevitably giving them the power to hurt you scares me but I understand that to bring you into the world I will have to overcome my ‘’love weariness ’’ as I like to call it. So I am letting God teach me about love, how to love and how to accept love.

I enjoy changing diapers, I will probably share your baby formula with you, according to Grandma, I didn’t like it when I was a baby so you can say I am making up for it. But I am scared of a few things, like who would teach you to read, not to wet the bed, how to talk and write. I feel like I am not ready to welcome you into this world with so much hate and chaos.

This keeps me going and looking forward to the day I get to hold you in my arms, I didn’t bring you into this world on my own, you were given to me and your father, a precious gift to care for. I have to believe that God, will protect you and lead you in the right direction.

I don’t have a handbook on how to raise you but be rest assured I will pray every step of the way, let the Lord guide the decisions we take concerning you. We will definitely step on each others toes every now and again but don’t let us stay mad at each other for too long. Lastly you are not getting a mobile phone till your 16th birthday. If I had my way we will live on acres of farmland in a place with poor cell phone reception.

With all my love; Mama   

P.S. I have many more letters to write to you!


Ore’s Playlist: November 2016

I think Ore’s Playlist will be a monthly feature on ”The Over Thinker”.
The songs on this playlist are from Johnathan and Melissa Helser’s  Beautiful Surrender album. The songs on the album come together to tell a story of a Christian’s Journey from accepting the gift of salvation to learning the ropes of God’s love.
The songs I have choose from the album to be in this playlist minister to me in this season, I hope they bless you too.

Her Version of Events,

My Year In Books

I love reading, losing myself in the problems and experiences of the characters while I read and going on the beautiful journey that each book offers.

At some point this year I decided to go on a new journey of reading  African Literature, so I will be sharing the books I have read this year by African writers and books about Africa. 
The first book I read, is ”Fine Boys by Eghosa Imasuen” it is a beautiful read and it took me on a journey of the University of Benin, introduced me to the world of school strikes and the universal constant of friends choosing different paths.  
”Born On A Tuesday by Elnathan John” was given to me by my friend Derin and I am not returning it, firstly because it is an autographed copy and secondly because it is such a captivating book, it is a story that explores things that I have thought about but never had the words to express. 
”What is the What by Dave Eggers” my brother gave me this book and I cried a lot when reading it, I will finish a chapter and take a crying break then go back to the book. It open my eyes to the fact that Africans don’t have the same life experience and we are a content of different stories told by the countries we are from. 

”Everything Good Will Come by Sefi Atta” This book reminded me of all the questions I have learnt to forget. 

Daughters Who Walk This Path by Yejide Kilanko  This is one of those books you start and don’t put down till you are finished. I had a good cry when I finished the book. My mum read the book, then my sister and we sat at our dinning table and had a long conversation about the issues raised in the book and how Yejide Kilanko took us on a realistic journey of things Nigerians will love to sweep under the carpet and are not willing to learn how to deal with. 

Sixty Percent of A True Story by Osisiye Tafa I was drawn to this book because of its title. It made me wonder about the author of this book and what he had to offer. This is an exceptional book that tells stories that every Nigerian University student/graduate can relate to. 
Sunset in Biafra by  Elechi Amadi I really enjoy reading about the Nigerian Civil War, it helps me understand the history of my country that isn’t taught in school, the only other account of the Civil War I have read is There Was A Country and reading  Elechi Amadi’s book gave me a new perspective of the war.
Blackass by A. Igoni Barrett my friend Anthony gave me this book for my last birthday and while I read it people walked up to me to ask about the title and what the book is about. So here is what I told them ”The book tells a story of Lagos that everyone can relate to and can identify with the characters in the book” The book left me wanting more and praying that Furo the main character grows a heart.  
Please leave suggestions in the comments below on books you think I should check out and I have two books to read in this category before the year ends, I will update this post once I get around to reading those books. 
Thank You AMA Psalmist For The Beautiful Photos